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Seams like Taping With Fiberglass

Its a beautiful hull.  Once we finished the tabbing, we were able to remove the stitches (that was the painful part, by the way), and fill in the gaps with epoxy.  After that it was a sanding game - the word for this is "fairing the hull."  Making it beautiful.  Making the lines fair so that the boat will move easily through the water.

The seam taping involves some 4-in strips of fiberglass tape.  To tape the seam, you first need to round it (sanding) and smooth it, then lay the tape carefully and soak it with epoxy to cement it to the wood.  Below is a picture of the transom, all taped up.

Heres Jay (thats my Dad), finishing up the taping of the starboard joint.

Where to next?  We have to apply more peanut butter (less thick, more Jif and less Adams) to smooth out the junction between the fiberglass tape and the rest of the hull.  Then we can sheathe the hull completely in fiberglass.


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